Staff: Mrs Raine is the class teacher with Miss Mason as Teaching Assistant. Mrs Palisiate works in class on a Tuesday and Wednesday. We are found near the entrance to the school and have lockers for our children to use! We have an engaging classroom and we work very hard! Magdalene children love a challenge to complete.
We have PE on a Wednesday afternoon as well as Dance on a Thursday. Children will need appropriate clothing for these sessions.
Forest School:
Forest school is on a Friday afternoon. It is paramount that the children are in long sleeves all year round, suitable footwear and waterproofs. The children will need warm clothing all year round in case of weather changes.
I strongly encourage you to read with your child at least four times a week. Reading underpins everything that we do within our lives and is paramount for them in building their skills across the curriculum.
Children will come home with spellings every Friday, with their test being the following week. The spellings are taken from their Sounds Write lessons that they are working on alongside common exception words taken from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.
The children will use 'Complete Maths Tutor' for their maths homework. Each half term, in school, they will complete a diagnostic test which will set their correct level of work. They should then follow the course given. Each course has videos and examples to help them.
They will find their login in their reading record book.
Some of our brilliant writing based on The 1000 year old boy.
Enjoying making soap from conkers in Forest School.
One of our brilliant designs from our DT day 'Structures - Playgrounds '
The amazing book from our visit to New Theatre to see the fantatic Michael Rosen. All the children who attended left with one of these books.
Sorting the array of mushrooms found on the field during Forest School.
Ready for our Hockey Festival at Wisbech Grammar School.
Some coding from our Computing lessons.
Guyhirn CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 450247
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs Gordon-Farleigh Office Co-ordinator
School Address:
High Road
PE13 4ED
DEMAT Office Address:
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